Municipality of Amersfoort

Pilot 1: 2 bridge decks
Pilot 2: Road in residential area
Pilot partners: Municipality of Amersfoort and Dura Vermeer

Why participate?

The municipality of Amersfoort is implementing a special programme to stimulate the circular economy. The aim is for Amersfoort to be a waste-free and carbon-neutral city by 2030. With two “as a service” pilots in the Circular Road programme, the municipality is investigating, together with Dura Vermeer, whether this form of contract in small-scale municipal infrastructure projects will enable greater steps to be taken towards circularity than in projects that are traditionally put out to tender.

The pilots will be conducted during the reconstruction of Dr J.P. Heijelaan and the replacement of the road surface on two cycle bridges in the Nieuwland district.

Neither project has a hard deadline, so there is time to experiment with preparation and implementation.

Learning questions

To what extent does “as a service” based co-operation in an urban environment lead to an ideal contract form that promotes maximum circularity and lower life cycle costs?


  • What is the trade-off between lifespan and sustainability impact?
  • How can policy aspirations be dealt with in “as a service” agreements?